Elle est mathophile !
Comédie des Ondes
Location : Itinerant
A comic solo in songs about the joys and torments of learning maths.
Tuesday March 10 - St Germain-en-Laye (78)
Collège St Erembert, 5 Rue Salomon Reinach
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Association Maths.en.JEANS
Location : Ile de France
Since 1989, the association MATh.en.JEANS has been promoting and coordinating mathematical workshops in schools where students are placed in research situations, with the participation of university researchers. It allows many young people to be initiated to the research process by being actors and not subjects of their learning.

Théatre : Elle et l'Infini
LAPS équipe du matin
Location: Travelling event
A BIOPIC: The story of a mathematician. We don't know which one: Sophie Germain? Ada Lovelace? Sofia Kovalevskaia? The narrators argue: should we pay homage to the Great Women forgotten by the History of Science or talk about a banal, normal woman, a mathematician like thousands of others?
Through all the faces evoked, the story looks for the imponderables: how a child falls in love with mathematics, how a teenager imposes this forbidden love on her parents, how a young woman dares to launch herself into the study of mathematics, how to search for a researcher, how to transmit...