Le Marathon d’Orsay de Maths
Le marathon d'orsay de Maths is open.
More information.

Ateliers d'ouverture scientifique
Location: Ile de France
The Group for Scientific Initiative and Culture (GICS) is an association that seeks to promote science among young people by organizing regular sharing between students (from universities and grandes écoles) and high school students.
Every week, scientific workshops are given by student volunteers in partner high schools.
These courses cover all scientific fields and aim to
deepening of notions taught in high school ;
opening up to new fields and discovering the diversity of science.

Elle est mathophile !
Comédie des Ondes
Location : Itinerant
A comic solo in songs about the joys and torments of learning maths.
Tuesday March 10 - St Germain-en-Laye (78)
Collège St Erembert, 5 Rue Salomon Reinach
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Filles et Maths, une équation lumineuse
Women and Mathematics Association
Location: All over France
During the "Girls and Maths: a luminous equation" days, young girls who volunteer come to learn about careers related to mathematics, to work on the weight of stereotypes related to mathematics and to meet women scientists who work around mathematics. During one day, they attend a math conference, participate in a workshop on careers and stereotypes, a speed-meeting with professionals and a forum play.

Théatre : Elle et l'Infini
LAPS équipe du matin
Location: Travelling event
A BIOPIC: The story of a mathematician. We don't know which one: Sophie Germain? Ada Lovelace? Sofia Kovalevskaia? The narrators argue: should we pay homage to the Great Women forgotten by the History of Science or talk about a banal, normal woman, a mathematician like thousands of others?
Through all the faces evoked, the story looks for the imponderables: how a child falls in love with mathematics, how a teenager imposes this forbidden love on her parents, how a young woman dares to launch herself into the study of mathematics, how to search for a researcher, how to transmit...