Prix de thèse 2019


Charles Bertucci

Contributions à la théorie des jeux à champ moyen"

"The PGMO Prize 2019 is awarded to Charles BERTUCCI for his PhD thesis entitled "Contributions à la théorie des jeux à champ moyen ». His PhD, completed at the Université Paris Dauphine under the supervision of Pierre-Louis Lions, is concerned with the study of several problems of significant interest arising in the theory of mean field games. His work has been recognized as an extremely important contribution to the theory with the introduction of deep and original techniques."


Cécile Rottner

Aspects combinatoires du Unit Commitment Problem"

"The PGMO Prize 2019 is awarded to Cécile ROTTNER for her PhD thesis entitled « Aspects combinatoires du Unit Commitment Problem ». Cécile ROTTNER obtained her PhD from Sorbonne Université under the supervision of Pascale Bendotti of EDF R&D and Pierre Fouihoux of the computer science lab LIP6. In her thesis, she investigates the Unit Commitment Problem from the point of view of combinatorial and discrete optimization. She is awarded the PGMO Prize 2019 in recognition of her impressive treatment of the Unit Commitment Problem which contains a broad spectrum of novel and relevant insights and approaches."


Le jury 2019 est présidé par  Ludovic Rifford, Université de Nice, CNRS  :

Membres du nommés par le Conseil Scientifique du PGMO

Anne Auger, Inria / Polytechnique
Olivier Spanjaard, Sorbonne-Université
Tristan Tomala, HEC

Membres nommés par la ROADEF

Nadia Brauner, G-SCOP, UJF Grenoble
Pierre Lopez, LAAS-CNRS Toulouse
Frédéric Roupin, LIPN, Institut Galilée Paris 13

Membres nommés par le groupe MODE SMAI

JOlivier Ley, IRMAR, INSA de Rennes
Claire Mathieu, Collège de France