Archive programme Vivaldi

Lauréats 2024

Maria Abad Aldonza (LMV, V Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry), Gabriel Claret (FdM, quantum graphs and their applications in pure and applied sciences), Felipe Gambardella (CMLS, Escuela Latinoamericana de Geometría Algebraica), Yuan Jiangfan (LMO, Algèbres vertex, théorie géométrique des représentations et groupes quantiques), Thomas Morand (LMO, School on probabilistic aspects of hyperbolic dynamical systems et Workshop on statistical properties of chaotic dynamics in and out of equilibrium), Thibault Juillard (LMO, Algèbres vertex, théorie géométriques des représentations et groupes quantiques), Roméo Taboada (LMO, Microlocal Analysis and Quantum Dynamics 2024), Tom Guédon (MaIAGE, 55ème journées des statistiques), Andrée Barnier (MaIAGE, European Summer Program in Infectious Disease Analysis and Modelling), Esha Gupta (LMV, International Conference on Representations of Algebras), Mathieu Da Silva (LMO, Analytic Number Theory and Arithmetic Statistics), Madeleine Kubasch (CMAP, Bernoulli-ims 11th World Congress in Probability and Statistics), Vanessa Dan (CMAP, 52ème Probability Summer School), Pierre Schatz (LMV, V Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry(V ELGA)), Matéo Ghezal (LMO, ICTP school and workshop on dynamical system), Ziyad Benomar (CREST, Visiting MIT Office of Graduate Education)


Lauréats 2023

Elise Bonhomme (LMO, 11ème Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, Guadeloupe), Melvyl El Kamel-Meyrigne (CMLS, Arithmetic Geometry & Algebraic Groups at UVA, USA), Cristian Duran Mateluna (UMA, International Symposium on Locational Decisions, Allemagne), Thibault Juillard (LMO, Representation theory XVIII, Croatie), Maxime Payan (CMAP, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, USA), Damien Simon (LMO, Representation theory XVIII, Croatie), Jiangfan Yuan (LMO, Structures élevées en géométrie et physique mathématique, CIRM Marseille), El Mehdi, Haress (FdM, International Conference on Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics, Luxembourg), Lukas Anzeletti (FdM, International Conference on Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics, Luxembourg), Jean Delaye (LMO, Quantum groups and interactions, Glasgow), Jessie Levillain (CMAP, XX Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulations in Physics & Engineering, Espagne), Vladimir Sivkin (CMAP, 11th Applied Inverse Problems Conference 2023, Allemagne), Jeremy Lamouroux (MIA, Spatial Statistics 2023, USA), Meziane Chabane (LMO, XX Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulations in Physics & Engineering, Espagne), Paulo Alves Sampaio (CMLS, Shocking Developments: New Directions in Compressible and Incompressible Flows: A Conference in Honor of Alexis Vasseur’s 50th Birthday, Leipzig), Nazim Khelifa (LAG, GADEPs focused conference III: Noether-Lefschetz and Hodge loci, Brésil), Sanae Janati Idrissi (CMAP, Gaussian Process Summer school, UK), Carlo Buccisano (LMO, Young Topologists Meeting 2023, Lausanne) Ramy Merabet, (Centre Borelli, IEEE NSS MIC RTSD 2023, Canada)