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  • The member Institutions

    The FMJH was created by five "historic" founding members, who are still with us today, albeit with variations in the governance of the Paris-Saclay site (Université Paris-Sud disappeared in favor of Université Paris-Saclay, ENS Cachan was renamed ENS Paris-Saclay). Nevertheless, the foundation is open and since 2013 has pursued an inclusive policy to involve new institutions wishing to commit to this joint project to develop and structure mathematics on the Paris-Saclay Campus.


    Founding members


    Paris-Saclay University

    As the largest higher education and research establishment in the south of the Ile de France region, Université Paris-Saclay is also one of Europe's most prestigious research universities. Multidisciplinary, it offers a continuum of skills ranging from the exact sciences to the clinical practice of medicine, including all disciplines such as computer science, physics and pharmacy. In addition to this broad range of disciplines, law, economics and management give it a broad outlook on society.


    École polytechnique

    École Polytechnique is a world-class institution of higher education and research with a strong scientific focus. Its range of courses is structured around three cycles - engineering, masters and doctorate. Within Ecole Polytechnique, the Research Center is dedicated to working on all major scientific issues at the frontiers of knowledge, and to creating an ecosystem conducive to innovation. 



    École Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay (ENS PS)

    Scientific research and training are fundamental missions of ENS PS. In addition to the opportunities offered by higher education, the school also trains executives for public authorities and major corporations. ENS PS's main areas of activity are technology, science, management and the social sciences.




    Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES)

    The Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) is an institute for advanced research in mathematics, theoretical physics and related sciences. A private establishment, the IHES has been a recognized public utility foundation since 1981. It offers scientists of exceptional stature a place where they can devote themselves entirely to their research, without any teaching or administrative obligations, and welcome visitors to work together.


    CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique

    As France's leading multidisciplinary research organization, the CNRS conducts research in all areas of science, technology and society. Covering the full spectrum of scientific fields, it is present in all major disciplines, grouped within ten institutes, including the Institut national des sciences mathématiques et de leurs interactions.




    Associate members of the FMJH

    • AgroParisTech
    • CentraleSupélec
    • ENSAE Paris
    • ENSIIE
    • ENSTA Paris
    • INRAe
    • Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne
    • Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines
    • Inria Saclay
    • Telecom Paris
    • Telecom SudParis

    The mathematical community is represented within these associated institutions by some twenty research units, which are therefore de facto affiliated to the FMJH. The list of these units is available here.