Support for scientific events
The FMJH supports the organization of scientific events in the field of mathematics (conferences, colloquia, summer schools, etc.) within the Paris-Saclay area (or organized by mathematicians from the same area).
In line with its action plan for professional equality, the FMJH does not wish to fund events where the proportion of women on the scientific committee, the organizing committee or among guest speakers is lower than that of the interested community. The FMJH would also like to share with event organizers its concerns on the issue of social and environmental responsibility. In particular, it is advisable to travel by train whenever possible, and to avoid short stays with air travel from distant destinations.
Support for scientific outreach events
As part of its annual call for projects, "Votre région fait des maths et de l'info", the FMJH supports associations based in the Ile-de-France region, whose aim is to arouse interest in mathematics or information technology among schoolchildren and the general public. Associations of the same type that are not based in the South Ile-de-France region are invited to apply to the Blaise Pascal Foundation's call for proposals, which aims to support mediation in mathematics and computer science on a national scale. However, it is possible for one of these associations to apply for one-off support for a scientific mediation event organized within the Paris-Saclay area.
Application to support an event
Applications to support an event (whether scientific or scientific mediation) can be submitted online: Application for an event
Please note that applications are examined on an ongoing basis by the FMJH steering committee, which relies on the advice of a jury. To give the jury time to examine the applications, applications must be submitted at least 14 days before the next steering committee meeting. Late applications will be examined at the next steering committee meeting (see calendar).
Subsidized events in 2024
Maths AI
- 12ème Journée Young Statisticians and Probabilists, 17 January 2024 at IHP (CMAP-X)
- 10 ème rencontres des jeunes statisticiens (RJS 2024), 31 March to 4 April in Porquerolles (LMV-UVSQ)
- Games and Artificial Intelligence Interdisciplinary Summer School, 24 to 28 June in Metz (BETA-Université de Lorraine)
- Colloque Mathematical insights from Markets, control, and learning, 23 to 27 September at centre Paul Langevin in Aussois (CMAP-X)
- Conférence Frugalias : Workshop frugalité en IA et en statistique, 4 October at Centre International de Conférences de Sorbonne Université (grand auditorium), in Paris (SFdS)
Maths CSI
- Journée Ondes des poètes 2024, 17 to 19 April at ENSTA (ENSTA)
- VARANA 2024, 1st to 7 September in Sicile (CMAP-X)
Mathematical Physics
- Seminars "Seed Seminar of Mathematics and Physics" at IHP (LMO-UPSAY)
- At the crossroads of physics and mathematics, 24 to 26 June at Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT), CEA Paris-Saclay (CEA-IPhT)
- ICMP2024, 1st to 6 July, in Strasbourg (IRMA-Université de Strasbourg)
- JCJC Ondes 2024, 18 to 20 November at Laboratoire MAP5, Université Paris Cité (UMA-ENSTA)
- 12ème séminaire Itzykson "Problèmes spectraux quantiques en physique mathématique", 27 November at IHES (IHES)
- Rendez-vous des jeunes mathématiciennes et informaticiennes, 22 to 23 February, at Inria Saclay (INRIA)
- Finale de TFJM2, 18 to 20 May at ENS Paris-Saclay (Animath)
- Finale Internationale de Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques, 25 and 26 August at École polytechnique (FFJM)
- Journées X-UPS 2024 - Analyse topologique des données, 22 to 3 April at École polytechnique (CMLS-X)
- Conférence en l'honneur d'Hélène Esnault pour ses 70 ans, 22 to 26 April at IHES (IHES)
- Paris-Saclay conference in Analysis and PDE, 27 to 31 May in Orsay (LMO-UPSAY)
- CHARMS Summer School: Categorial and geometric methods in the representation theory of algebras, 21 to 24 May at UFR des Sciences, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (LMV-UVSQ)
- Conference en l'honneur de Sylvie Roelly, 27 and 28 May at IHP (CMAP-X)
- Conférence "Vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and quantum groups", 10 to 14 June at CIRM in Marseille (CIRM)
- Conference "Concentré de martingales et mélange de chaînes de Markov", 11 to 13 June at Campus UFR Sciences Versailles (LMV-UVSQ)
- Ecole d'été Festum Pi, 8 to 20 July at la Canée in Crête followed by a conference (LMO-UPSAY)
- Forum Entreprises & Mathématiques, 7 October at Centre des Congrès la Villette in Paris (AMIES-CNRS)
- Les Probabilités de Demain à l'IHP (LMO-UPSAY)
- Colloque en l'honneur de Pierre-Gilles Lemarié-Rieusset, 6 to 8 November at IHP (LaMME-UEVE)