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  • Corporate Relationship

    It all starts with EdF

    The FMJH's corporate relationship was built on the privileged relationship the FMJH has with its historical sponsor EdF and the joint initiative to create a thematic program to stimulate research advances in a key area for applications: optimization. Since 2012, EdF's support has never wavered, and today this thematic program entitled PGMO s still generously supported by EdF.

    The existence of PGMO and its calls for projects has led to multiple, cross-fertilization between academic researchers on the Paris-Saclay campus, but also well beyond, in France and abroad. Another positive spin-off effect has emerged over time. It turned out that most of the post-docs recruited in academic laboratories thanks to the winning projects of the PGMO calls subsequently found outlets in non-academic research.

    In other words, this program has had an impact, albeit modest in terms of the number of individuals involved, but significant when one considers how difficult it is for holders of a PhD in academic mathematics to go on to work in industry.

    It was largely with the idea in mind of broadening the latter question, without restricting it to the sole thematic field of optimization and its uses in data science, that the FMJH decided in 2021 to evolve its patronage and create a strategic think tank.



    The FMJH's scientific policy is based on two main pillars: excellence and international scientific visibility on the one hand, and the relationship between mathematics and the socio-economic world on the other.

    Since its creation, the FMJH has been financed by the public authorities through the « plan d’investissement d'avenir", and is seeking to attract other sources of funding in order to give greater scope to the actions it undertakes, in particular to bring the worlds of academic research and business closer together.

    Targeted sponsorship

    Sponsorship is intended to help the FMJH achieve a simple objective: to encourage the emergence of young mathematical talent on the Paris-Saclay campus, with due respect for social and gender diversity, and to ensure that some of this talent finds its way into the business world.

    There is no closed list of FMJH programs open to support via sponsorship, but three programs in particular are highlighted: FMJHCare, MathTech and PGMO.


    The ethics charter

    An ethics charter defines the rules and values that the FMJH intends to share with its donors (here Magali links to the ethics charter).

    When the FMJH and a donor sign a sponsorship agreement, they de facto commit to respecting the principles and rules of this charter, which stipulates in particular that the donor must not interfere in the running of the programs and must share theFMJH's values.



    Since 2012, the FMJH has received support from a number of donors, some of whom are still with us today. It would like to extend its warmest thanks to its generous donors, who help ensure that the FMJH can fulfill its missions. An explicit list of past and present donors to the FMJH is available here.


    The strategic think tank

    Made up of representatives from the socio-economic world, this think-tank helps the FMJH to formulate relevant initiatives to bring doctoral students and holders of doctorates closer to the business world. For example, it is involved in the development of the MathTech training track, which aims to do just that. It also enables us to involve current or potential sponsors in the FMJH's reflection on its actions to facilitate the Maths/Company relationship on the Paris-Saclay Campus. Find out more about the Strategic Think Tank.


    The MathTech Program

    The aim of the MathTech program is to raise awareness and better prepare PhDs or future PhDs in mathematics for their professional future, whatever that may be. Comprising several initiatives, all with the same objective but adapted to the different stages of research training: master's, doctorate and even post-doctorate, it continues to evolve and is an essential part of the FMJH's corporate relations policy.


    Maths/Enterprise events

    The FMJH is involved in corporate relations in a way that is unique to its ecosystem. Following the example of scientific outreach, a field in which the FMJH coordinates its efforts with those of the Blaise Pascal Foundation, which operates at national level, the FMJH coordinates its efforts with those of the national agency (AMIES) which is concerned with the Maths/Company relationship.

    For many years now, the FMJH has been involved in the FEM, a national event organized by AMIES and various scientific societies.

    The FMJH also organizes a Math/Enterprise event more focused on PhDs: the MathTech meetings .

    These two events are very important, as each in its own way brings together mathematics graduates and companies.