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  • PGMO

    Gaspard Monge Program for optimization, operations research and their interactions with data sciences

    PGMO Presentation



    The Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization, Operations Research and their Interactions with Data Science, more briefly referred to as PGMO, is a program of the FMJH open to sponsorship. This program owes much to the involvement of EDF during its creation in 2012.

    It has four essential missions:

    • to have a federating role for the academic world and industrialists (organization of seminars, training for companies, setting up national and international partnerships facilitated,...),
    • to be a place for scientific exchanges (invitations to foreign researchers, community animation, etc.),
    • to support training and research in the mathematical fields identified as crucial by the industrial partners,
    • to promote opportunities for mathematics students in the business world.




    The PGMO covers all the topics related to Mathematics of Decision-Making, and in particular the following topics: modeling, continuous optimization, optimization of large systems, combinatorial optimization and operations research, optimization under uncertainty, global optimization, game theory, constraint programming, and the interacting topics: statistical learning, data science.

    The PGMO's activities are organized into several components:

    • The Scientific Animation Program is responsible for organizing conferences, seminars, high-level invited lectures (for doctoral students or professionals), invitations to specialists, and thesis prizes.
    • The PRMO (Mathematical Research Projects in Optimization, Operations Research and their Interactions with Data Science) has the mission to propose collaborative research actions via a call for generalist projects on the PGMO themes defined above. The PRMO currently funds projects whose initiator must belong to a laboratory within the FMJH perimeter, and young researcher projects with no geographical restrictions.
    • The research initiative IROE has the mission to propose collaborative research actions (co-supervision of theses, internships, post-docs, partnership contracts,...) between academic teams and industrial teams in order to remove scientific barriers in a field of activity of one or several companies. Their calls for projects are open to the mathematical and computer science communities, without geographical limitation.
    • Funding of post-doctoral fellowships, via  the annual call for proposals issued by the FMJH or via IROE.

    Research initiatives are typically organized in the form of working groups around business problems with complex scientific challenges. This structure allows for team work that includes industry and academia. The principle is that all results generated in the framework of the work carried out for the PGMO are free and public.



    Support for scientific events

    Applications to support an scientific event can be submitted online:

    Application for an event

    Applications are examined on an ongoing basis by the FMJH steering committee, which relies on the advice of a jury. To give the jury time to examine the applications, applications must be submitted at least 14 days before the next steering committee meeting. Late applications will be examined at the next steering committee meeting (see calendar).





    The PGMO is managed by a coordinator and his deputies who are supported by a program committee and a scientific committee.  

    The role of the program committee is to assist the coordinator and his deputies in the development and execution of the program actions.
    The scientific committee is an advisory body. It formulates opinions and proposals on the actions undertaken, in particular to define and arbitrate the calls for projects. Each year, it appoints members of the PGMO thesis prize jury, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations for this prize.
    It contributes with the program committee to the activity of scientific animation, by proposing invitations of speakers, the organization of scientific events, or by selecting the presentations to be given at conferences organized by the program committee such as the PGMO days.

    The PGMO budget for the three categories above is discussed annually in the FMJH steering committee. It is also the FMJH steering committee that validates the results of PGMO calls for projects, after appraisal of the projects submitted by the Program Committee and the Scientific Committee.


    Program Committee

    • Catherine Bonnet Inria and LSS/Centrale-Supelec,

    • Antonin Chambolle Ecole Polytechnique,

    • Claudia D'Ambrosio CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique

    • Sourour Elloumi Coordinator, UMA, ENSTA Paris,

    • Olivier Fercoq Télécom Paris,

    • Stéphane Gaubert Deputy coordinator, INRIA and Ecole Polytechnique,

    • Vianney Perchet, CREST and ENSAE Paris,

    • Wim Van Ackooij EDF R&D (invited),

    Scientific Committee

    • Grégoire Allaire Ecole Polytechnique,

    • Christian Artigues LAAS, CNRS

    • Walid Ben Ameur Télécom SudParis,

    • Claire Boyer Sorbonne-Université,

    • Luce Brotcorne INRIA Lille,

    • Guillaume Carlier CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine,

    • Antonin Chambolle Ecole Polytechnique,

    • Johanne Cohen CNRS Université Paris-Sud,

    • Michel De Lara ENPC,

    • Sophie Demassey CMA, MINES ParisTech,

    • Vianney Perchet  CREST and ENSAE Paris, Chairman

    • Patrice Perny Sorbonne Université,

    • Ludovic Rifford Université Côte d'Azur

    • Frédéric Roupin Sorbonne Paris Nord,

    • Joseph Salmon Université de Montpellier,

    AEF Grand Prize

    PGMO received the grand prize of the best initiatives shared AEF on March 24, 2016.

    Comments of the jury: A very complete and wide-ranging project that encourages exchanges between EDF researchers and University researchers, and is therefore conducive to the development of research. It has a positive collateral effect on the teaching of masters in this field.

    Awarded by Serge Bergamelli, Deputy Director, Investment and Local Development Department, Caisse des Dépôts