Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics (EDMH)

Issues and objectives
The objective of the Hadamard Doctoral School (EDMH) is to consolidate all the doctoral training in mathematics within the perimeter of the University Paris-Saclay and the Polytechnique Institute of Paris, from the most fundamental mathematics to the most applied mathematics, including mathematics at interfaces (especially with economics, computer science, mechanics, physics, engineering sciences, life sciences).
EDMH has approximately 350 PhD students and 350 HDRs. Recruitment is largely international.
The EDMH is strongly supported by the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH), in terms of thesis grants, administrative staff, and financial support. FMJH has played a key role in the construction of the EDMH, and is making a crucial contribution to its development
Three thesis mentions proposed
- Fundamental mathematics: algebra, analysis, geometry, logic, probability, statistics
- Applied mathematics: Applied algebra, applied analysis, applied geometry, applied probability, applied statistics, numerical analysis, scientific calculation, mathematical engineering, financial mathematics, modeling, optimization
- Mathematics at interfaces: Mathematics-economics, mathematics-informatics, mathematics-mechanics, mathematics-physics, mathematics-engineering sciences, mathematics-life sciences, and others
- 10 institutions of Université Paris-Saclay : AgroParisTech, CEA, CentraleSupelec, ENS Paris-Saclay, Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay, IHES, INRAe, INRIA, Université d'Evry-Val-d'Essone, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin
- 5 institutions of Institut Polytechnique de Paris : Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA, ENSAE, TelecomParis, Telecom SudParis
- 1 institution of Université Paris Sciences et Lettres : Ecole Normale Supérieure
- 21 host laboratories
- 3 INRIA own research teams
An environment of Excellence
- 11 FIELDS Medals
- 1 ABEL Prize
- 1 WOLF Prize
- 30 Thesis awards since 2012
- Many academic science awards ...
Organization and contacts
The first scientific contacts for future doctoral students and thesis supervisors are the representatives of the partner institutions. The EDMH Steering Committee defines scientific and pedagogical policy and coordinates the EDMH.
EDMH recruits doctoral students in two ways:
- Competition mode: for recruitment on doctoral contracts offered directly by EDMH
- Non-competition mode: for all other funding.
Registration and re-registration
Registration and re-registration procedures are carried out on the ADUM platform.
Doctoral program
- Disciplinary and cross-disciplinary doctoral training
- MathTech training
- Individual Doctoral Student Follow-up Committee
- Monitorat
- Welcome Day
Thesis defense
Examination procedures are posted on each school's website.
Career opportunities
EDMH is particularly attentive to the professional integration of its doctoral students. After possible post-doctoral positions, its career opportunities include :
- Higher education and research: lecturers, senior researchers, etc.
- public research organizations (CNRS, CEA, INRIA, INRA, DGA, etc.), teacher-researcher abroad, etc.
- Teaching in high schools and preparatory classes
- Major government bodies
- Jobs in the private sector (R&D for major groups, startups, etc.)
FMJH supports EDMH
The FMJH shares the EDMH's concerns about career opportunities after the doctorate. It is the raison d'être of the Parcours MathTech to highlight opportunities outside the academic world. The FMJH supports EDMH through its doctoral program. In summary, the FMJH doctoral program provides the following support:
- Funding doctoral grants;
- Traveling for research training with 2 programs
- Contribution to the funding of one- to two-month international research stays for doctoral students, as part of the Junior Scientific Visibility program;
- Contribution to the financing of doctoral students' participation in events with a high doctoral training content, such as summer/winter schools, as part of the Vivaldi program for doctoral training;
- Financing of the Parcours MathTech, a training program to develop cross-disciplinary skills, specifically designed for EDMH doctoral students. The FMJH relies on the expertise of IWIPS.