Program Vivaldi

The objective of this program is to offer individual mission funding to EDMH doctoral students, regardless of their host laboratory or their registration institution, to participate in scientific events with a high doctoral training content.

The committee in charge of the attribution of these funds, which is the steering committee of the EDMH, will evaluate the adequacy of the request to this LMH program, but recommends not to restrict it a priori, as the form is quick to enter online. He may not allocate the entire amount requested. He recommends not to forget to ask first all or part of the financial support to the organizers of such conferences, who often have specific financial support for PhD students (in particular for local expenses), by watching carefully the deadlines of request to the organizers. He asks to avoid missions with a value of less than a hundred euros, as other sources can be used.

A non-exhaustive list of such scientific events (including summer schools, introductory weeks to specialized semesters, conferences with series of mini-courses, intensive weeks, etc.) is available on the EDMH website.



Infos and Applications