Maryam Mirzakhani Junior Prize Winners 2023

The awards ceremony took place on 30 August 2023 during the master back-to-school days


Alexia Corradini
(Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay)

for her L3 work entitled

« Equivariant localisation in the theory
of Z-stability for Kähler manifolds »



Hana Ephremidze
(École Polytechnique)

for her M1 work entitled

« Algebraic closure of local fields
n characteristic p>0 »



Sirine Louati
(ENSAE Paris)

for her M1 work entitled

« Estimation de la moyenne commune de variables
aléatoires gaussiennes hétéroscédastiques »



Special mention of the jury

  • Jane Peltier (L3, Ecole Polytechnique) for her workk entitled « Modelling marine phytoplankton blooms with stochastic birth and death processes ».
  • Prune Inzerilli (M1, Ecole Polytechnique) for her workk entitled « Deflate-Learn-Inflate : a methodology for Koopman forecasting ».
  • Louise Lallemand (M1, ENSTA Paris) for her workk entitled « Modelling congestion in a competitive facility location problem ».
  • Nailya Manatova (M1, UVSQ) for her workk entitled « On the Krein-Rutman theorem for positive strongly continuous semigroups ».