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  • Welcome days for masters

    Discover our report on the back-to-school days of the Masters

    Exchanges, testimonies, moments of conviviality are presented during this report.

    Watch it now!


    Welcome days for the "Mathematics and Applications" Master's program

    Every year, the FMJH organizes welcome days for all M1 and M2 courses in the "Mathematics and Applications" Master's program, co-accredited by the Université Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Organized with the support of the graduate school of mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay and the mathematics department of Institut Polytechnique de Paris, these days are a crossroads for students from all mathematical and geographical backgrounds, from all the establishments on the vast mosaic that is the Paris-Saclay Campus. The program is made up of mini-courses and opening lectures on a wide variety of mathematical research topics on themes that change from year to year. Interactive discussion sessions with PhD students and post-docs are also offered, to give young people a better understanding of what mathematical research is all about, right from the start of the Master's program.

    These days are compulsory for students enrolled in the M1 and M2 Parcours Jacques Hadamard, as well as for FMJH scholarship holders. For other students of this master, priority will be given to M1.


    Master Starter 2024

    Monday September 2 & Tuesday September 3, 2024 were back-to-school days for Masters students "Mathematics and Applications" at the Université Paris Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris .

    Many thanks to all the students and speakers over the 2 days.


    • Antoine Julia (LMO, Université Paris-Saclay) - "Le problème isopérimétrique"
    • Vlerë Mehmeti (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, IMJ-PRG, Université Sorbonne) - "Some interactions between Archimedean and non-Archimedean objects"
    • Gleb Pogudin (MAX team, Laboratoire d'informatique, École Polytechnique) -"Differential equations from the algebraic standpoint" 

    Course notes



    • Estelle Kuhn - (MaIAGE, département Mathématiques et Numérique, INRAE) - "Modélisation, statistique et optimisation pour l'étude de la variabilité génétique en science du végétal" Slides
    • Polina Perstneva (CMAP, École Polytechnique) - "A Brownian particle almost never lands on a Cantor set" Slides
    • Aurélien Velleret (MaIAGE, INRAE) - "What notions of probabilistic equilibrium can be used to describe the spread of epidemics in large populations ? - Avec quelles notions d'équilibre probabiliste décrire la propagation d'épidémies au sein de grandes populations ?"
    • Susanna Zimmermann (LMO, Université Paris-Saclay) - "The geometry of birational transformations of the plane"
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    • Rentrée des masters 2024-2
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    Photographs have been taken during the 2 days of the "Rentrée des masters 2024" event, and a photo report was produced on Monday September 2, 2024 by photographer Gil Lefauconnier. Photos taken during the event may be used and distributed as part of the FMJH's communication policy on its various media and communication channels. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: communication@fondation-hadamard.fr

    • Rentrée des Masters 1
    • Rentrée des Masters 2
    • Rentrée des Masters 3
    • Rentrée des Masters 4
    • Rentrée des Masters 5
    • Rentrée des Masters 6
    • Rentrée des Masters 7
    • Rentrée des Masters 8
    • Rentrée des Masters 9

    Master starter archives


      Master starter 2023

      published the September 14, 2023
      Master starter 2023 On Wednesday August 30th and Thursday August 31st, 2023 tookplace the back-to-school of the Master's program "Mathematics and Applications" of the Université Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris at the Institut de Mathématiques d'Orsay. Thank you …

      Master Starter 2022

      published the June 27, 2022
      Master Starter 2022 On Wednesday August 31 and Thursday September 1, 2022 will take place the back-to-school of the Master's program "Mathematics and Applications" of the Université Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris at the Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay. …

      Master Starter 2021

      published the February 25, 2022
      Résumés Exposés pléniers Emmylou Haffner Exposé d'ouverture Titre : "Quelques aspects de la fabrication des textes mathématiques" Résumé : À partir d'exemples tirés de l'histoire des mathématiques, nous considérerons différents aspects sociaux et textuels entrant en jeu dans la fabrication …

      Rentrées masters 2020-2016

      published the February 1, 2022
      Résumés 2020 Patrick Massot Titre : “Comment et pourquoi expliquer des mathématiques à un ordinateur ?" Lucia Di Vizio Titre : "Théorie de Galois des équations aux différences, transcendance différentielle et combinatoire, ou l'histoire du comment la n-ième preuve du …