Itzykson Seminary
Set up in 2012 at the initiative of LabEx Mathématique Hadamard (LMH), the Itzykson seminar has become the flagship event of the "Mathematics and Theoretical Physics" program (formerly of LMH and now of FMJH), which supports it. It is currently coordinated by Nicolas Curien, Thibault Damour, Maxim Kontsevich, Kirone Mallick, Stéphane Nonnenmacher and Pierre Vanhove. Each of the seminar sessions takes place at IHES.
Each session lasts a day. The morning is devoted to a preparatory minicourse aimed at understanding how the mathematical formulation of the physical problem was put into place, as well as providing an overview of the issues and history of the subject. The afternoon is devoted to two lectures, typically one given by a mathematician and the other by a physicist.
The topics which have been treated in the colloquium : Quantum Chaos, Planar maps and quantum gravity, Wall crossing in Hitchin integrable systems, Moduli spaces and quantum curves, Feynman Integrals, Out-of-equilibrium statistical physics, Resurgence and quantization, Parafermionic observables and 2D statistical physics, Computational and information-theoretic phase transitions in large-scale inference problems. Some of the sessions are available on dailymotion and youtube.
Among the topics we would like to cover in the future: AdS-CFT correspondence, Cosmology, Black holes, Gauge theories and integrability, bootstrap methods in CFT, Quantum information theory..
The purpose of this seminar is to lay the foundations of a real scientific community around mathematics and fundamental physics in the Saclay / Orsay / Bures region, in particular to share with mathematicians the challenges of contemporary physics. The target audience is mathematicians and physicists, including master's or doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows.
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