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    What is it?

    « Votre région fait des maths et de l’info » is a call for projects in outreach in mathematics and/or computer science launched beginning of October each year. A number of associations are working to promote mathematics and computing to secondary school pupils, students and the general public in the South of France region, as illustrated by the activity provided here. The aim is to help them realize their projects. Each selected project can expect to receive support of between 1000 and 8000 euros.

    Eligibility of projects

    Eligible projects for the year N call for projects are those carried out between 01/01 and 31/12 of year N+1. They must involve the dissemination, animation or mediation of mathematics and/or information technology. Projects must be carried out by an entity or association based in the South Ile de France region (departments 78-91-92-94).

    Please note: even if some of these associations operate on the Paris-Saclay campus, those with a national vocation (such as Animath, for example) are invited to apply to the Fondation Blaise Pascal's call for projects, which supports all mathematics and computer science mediation projects on a national scale.

    However it is possible for one of these associations to apply for one-off support for a scientific mediation event organized within the Paris-Saclay area (for example, the MATh.en.JEANS conference). These grants are awarded on an ad hoc basis by the FMJH, and applications should be submitted here .


    Selection criteria

    Candidate projects are examined by a jury, then funding decisions are made by the FMJH steering committee. The criteria applied by the jury are as follows:

    • Scientific content,

    • Quality of project participants,

    • Target audience.

    The applications submitted should clearly describe the populations impacted by the project, as well as the actions undertaken to reach under-represented groups in the fields of mathematics and computer science, particularly women. The jury will give preference to projects that provide a clear picture of the diversity of the target groups and that have demonstrated a genuine commitment to increase the proportion of women among the beneficiaries of their initiatives.


    The grant

    75% of the grant will be paid on signature of the agreement. The remaining 25% will be paid on submission of a concise report after completion of the funded project. For a project selected in year N, any expenditure with an effective date between 01/01 and 31/12 of year N+1.


    How to submit your application

    Applications can be submitted online by clicking on the button at the bottom of this page starting from October.

    The timetable is then as follows:

    • Deadline for applications: midnight November 3,

    • Transmission of decisions to project sponsors: from November 18,

    • Agreements signed: in December.


    The call for applications for project grants for the year 2025 is closed. The next call will be in October 2025.


    Your region does math and info - Subsidized projects