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  • "Women in Mathematics" scholarships

    The evidence is clear: fewer and fewer women are studying mathematics. In order to tackle this disaffection, the FMJH is launching a scholarship program designed to encourage young women to take up mathematics, starting in the third year of a Bachelor's degree. This level of study is critical for choosing a specialization in this discipline.

    The students concerned are those planning to study for an L3 degree (third year of Bachelor) on the Paris-Saclay campus. The scholarships offered are L3+M1+M2. This means that grants awarded in L3 will be automatically renewed in M1 and then in M2 if the student successfully pursues her studies in the Master's program in mathematics and applications co-accredited by the University of Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

    A jury selects the winners according to criteria defined by the FMJH Scientific Council, with excellence at the top of the list. As the aim of this program is to encourage talented young women to pursue mathematics at least as far as a Master's degree and even a PhD, candidates are asked to take particular care in writing up their study project in their application.

    Terms and conditions of the scholarship

    • The amount of the scholarship is €11,000 net per year;
    • This is supplemented by an allowance to cover university registration fees (approximately €500 for one year);
    • Foreign students also receive a lump-sum contribution of up to €2,000 per year, calculated according to a scale based on their country of origin. This lump-sum contribution is intended to cover travel expenses for one round trip per year, as well as visa fees;
    • The scholarship cannot be combined with any other excellence scholarship. In case of doubt, please contact the FMJH management (contact@fondation-hadamard.fr).

    All scholarship recipients are invited to a back-to-school event, where they can get to know each other and find out more about mathematics research training on the Paris-Saclay campus. If they so wish, each recipient will also be accompanied by a mentor during their studies.

    The application form

    It must be completed online (a link to the form will be provided below when the annual call for applications opens). It includes :

    • Personal information (surname, first name and current postal address);
    • The name of the L3 track in which the student is applying;
    • Transcripts from each institution previously attended during the first years of the Licence or equivalent;
    • Academic CV;
    • Names and addresses of two referees;
    • A study plan: this document explains who you are and what you expect from your higher education. Your interest in the field and your career goals will be detailed. You can use this document to clarify any unusual elements in your CV or transcripts (maximum two pages).

    Opening of the call for applications: mid-February.


    Eligibility criteria

    Any female student with a second-year bachelor's degree or equivalent is a priori eligible. All applications are examined, but it is recommended to have a solid background in mathematics to have a real chance of being selected. 

    Applicants are selected on the basis of academic criteria, as evidenced by transcripts and letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation are automatically requested from the referees indicated by the candidates as soon as their application has been validated.

    As regards the formalities involved in enrolling students in the L3 of their choice, it is imperative that all scholarship applicants complete their online application to the corresponding L3 track at the same time. The list of eligible L3s on the Paris-Saclay campus is specified below (it also appears on the scholarship application form).

    Please note: Ecole Polytechnique's L3 bachelor's programs are only open to second-year bachelor's students at Ecole Polytechnique.


    Selection process

    The selection process is carried out by a jury appointed by the FMJH steering committee, in agreement with the heads of the L3 courses concerned.

    The results are sent by e-mail to the winners around 5 weeks after the closing date for applications.


    List of admissible L3 tracks

    At Institut Polytechnique de Paris

    Bachelor of science

    Mathematics and Physics
    Mathematics and Computer Science
    Mathematics and Economics


    At Université Paris-Saclay

    Double degree

    Mathématiques-Magistère (Orsay)
    Mathématiques-ENS Paris-Saclay curriculum
    Mathématiques, Sciences de la vie
    Mathématiques, Physique et Sciences pour l'Ingénieur (Orsay)
    Mathématiques, Physique et Sciences pour l’ingénieur (UVSQ)
    Informatique, Mathématiques
    Economie, Mathématiques

    Mathematics degree

    At Orsay
    At UEVE
    At UVSQ


    Call for applications 2025

    10 scholarships are available for this call.

    Are only considered applications coming from the following forms (documents may be written in French or English). 


    If you are a student of the Ecole Polytechnique Bachelor program,

    Apply here



    Apply here


    Applications closing: April 20th, 2025 at 11:59pm

    Results: beginning of June

    Please note that recommendation letters requested directly by the FMJH to the referees must be received by 27 April 2025 at the latest. Please take this into account when submitting your application so that they have sufficient time to upload their letter in the webform. Recommendation letters received after the deadline won't be considered.





    The 2024 winners of the “Mathématiques au féminin” scholarships were welcomed on September 5, 2024. The sponsor of this class of 2024 (the first!) is Susanna Zimmermann, professor at Paris-Saclay University and member of the Institut Universitaire de France. It was decided to make the welcome “single-sex”.

    The FMJH was represented by the president of the scholarship jury, who moderated a round-table discussion during which some twenty young mathematicians from the Paris-Saclay training and research ecosystem were able to share their experiences, exchange ideas and answer Susanna Zimmermann's questions on the many facets of mathematical research.

    The FMJH would like to thank L'Oréal and la Fondation d'Entreprise Michelin. Their generous support makes a major contribution to financing the scholarships awarded in 2024.


    Laureates 2024