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  • Pierre Lamoure Prize

    Pierre Lamoure Prize

    The FMJH is establishing a new scientific prize: the Pierre Lamoure Prize. The prize, worth 10,000 euros, will be awarded for a post-doctoral mathematical research project directly related to a socio-economic problem.


    The winner must have defended a thesis in mathematics for at least 2 years from the year of application, and be no more than 40 years old in that same year. The application must be based on post-doctoral research work carried out in France, either in an academic laboratory or in a company.



    Candidates may apply directly or be nominated by a third party. The application must include a CV, a list of research projects and a justification of the relevance of the application, as well as two letters of recommendation from leading scientists. As these recommendations should provide different angles of view, it is advisable that one comes from the academic world and the other from the socio-economic world. It is accepted that, if a nomination is made, it should be by one of the two recommenders.


    Why this award?

    There are a number of awards for top young mathematics researchers, who receive recognition for their work and encouragement for their future careers. While it's crucial that some of these prizes reward the feats of ingenuity and creativity required to produce original fundamental research in mathematics, it's equally important that the academic world should be concerned with encouraging young people trained in mathematical research to take the scientific risk of investing in research at the interface with the socio-economic world. This prize is clearly intended to reward innovative work in this field, evaluated according to the usual academic criteria, but also from the angle of its impact on the economic or societal level. Pierre Lamoure's name is used here as a symbol. This captain of French industry believed in science and mathematics as vectors of progress for human activities in general and economic activity in particular.
    This is why the eponymous Institute is one of the FMJH's generous donors.


    Lauréat 2024 Prix Pierre Lamoure

    Charles Bertucci for its work on "les applications en économie du contrôle stochastique en théorie des jeux".




    Laureat 2023  Pierre Lamoure Prize

    Thibaud Ehret for its work on the problem of automatic detection of anthropogenic methane emissions from satellite images, carried out in partnership with Kayrros company.

    Slide Thibaud Ehret


    Call for applications 2024

    The 2024 call for applications is now open.

    Applications close on November 30th, 2024 (midnight). Clôturé

    A jury of mathematicians from the academic and socio-economic worlds will decide on the winner.

    The prize will be awarded at the next MathTech meetings on January 23, 2025 at the IHES.