The Mathematics for Life Sciences program supports and organizes the growth of mathematics at the interface with the life sciences (biology, ecology, medicine) in the Paris-Saclay area. It covers both training and research, with the following objectives:
- Build a world-renowned research center for mathematics at the interface with the life sciences,
- Train first-rate mathematicians (in modeling, numbers, statistics, etc.) who are aware of the main concepts and challenges in biology and ecology,
- Strengthen biotechnological innovation on the Saclay perimeter through a high-level scientific environment.
The program
Funds scientific events related to the MathSV theme and sufficiently linked to the Paris Saclay area. To apply for funding, click here.
Finances invitations to foreign scientists, for periods of 1 to 3 months. To apply for funding, click here.
Cooperates with the EDMH jury in the selection of thesis funding applications that fall within the scope of its expertise.
Finances post-doctoral fellowships, via the annual call for proposals issued by the FMJH
Funds immersion semesters for projects at the interface between mathematics and life sciences (available to students and academics). For all requests, contact one of the program's scientific managers.
Funding for M2 MathSV courses in the Mathematics and Applications master's program co-accredited by Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Please note that requests for support (for scientific events and invitations to foreign scientists) are examined on an ad hoc basis by the FMJH steering committee, which relies on the advice of the Mathematics for Life Sciences jury. To give the jury time to examine the applications, applications must be submitted at least 10 days before the Steering Committee meeting. Late applications will be examined at the next steering committee meeting. See calendar
Scientific Committee
The Maths SV program is led by Céline Levy-Leduc (MIA, Agro) and Marie Doumic (INRIA).
With a program committee made up of Lucilla Corrias (LaMME, UEVE), Sylvie Méléard (CMAP, X) and Alain Trouvé (CMLA, ENS Paris-Saclay).